The Great Hack : L'affaire Cambridge Analytica (2019)
Film·26/01/2019·Documentaire·1h 54min
Découvrez comment la société Cambridge Analytica en est venue à incarner la face obscure des réseaux sociaux dans le sillage de l'élection présidentielle aux USA en 2016.
Réalisé par : Jehane Noujaim, Karim Amer
Produit par : Noujaim Films, The Othrs
Taggé : #2019, #Trending, #TrendingMovies, behavior modification, big data, brexit, facebook, political thriller, politics, propaganda, social network, u.s. election, united kingdom, usa, whistleblower
Où regarder The Great Hack : L'affaire Cambridge Analytica
Herself (Former Director of Bu...
Himself (Associate Professor P...
Himself (Founder @PersonalDataIO)
Himself (Data Rights Solicitor)
Himself (Former COO/CFO Cambri...
Herself (Investigative Journal...
Himself (Former Cambridge Anal...
Himself (Writer/Political Tech...
Herself (International Affairs...
Herself (Legal Council, The Gu...
Herself (Arts Editor, The Observer)
Himself (Early Facebook Investor)
Himself (CEO, Cambridge Analyt...
Himself (Former Chief Executiv...
Himself (archive footage)
Himself (archive footage)
Himself (archive footage)
Herself (archive footage)
Himself (archive footage)